The Benefits of Creating a New You

It’s always exciting to start a new year, with 365 days of possibilities ahead of us. This year, there’s a bit more anticipation for a fresh start (understatement of the year!) since we’ve had one of the craziest years of unpredictability. Yet even as we transition to 2021, there will be many things that will still surprise us. Hopefully we’ll see more good surprises.
Here at The Pretty Pink Rooster® we don't see ourselves as merely a boutique, selling amazingly affordable stylish clothes, jewelry and accessories. We are a problem solving business. Let's all resolve to make ourselves a priority and start the year off by focusing on some much needed self care! From our complimentary personal styling sessions with myself to indulging in our yummy products -- we've got you covered for whatever your new year brings!
You Are What You Wear
We all have our comfort zone when it comes to personal style. But with minor changes, you can make a difference not only in your outward appearance, but also on the way you feel inside. There’s something incredibly empowering about switching up your style. It’s so much more than a new look. By changing the way you dress, you can also change your outlook, self-image and overall attitude.
One of the more popular services at The Pretty Pink Rooster is a 1-hour complimentary virtual or in-person styling session. It’s also one of my favorite things, since I get to see the dramatic boost in confidence and happiness when we get someone into a new look. I bring an unbiased viewpoint to what looks good on you for your age, lifestyle and body type -- for whatever your day brings.
After we get you ready to rock and roll with our complimentary styling session, let’s focus on the inside.
The Write Stuff
Finding the right clothes for your body and lifestyle is only part of it. We also recommend going deeper with journaling and practicing gratitude! I speak often about my morning routine and using my gratitude journal before I start my day. Have you tried writing down 10 things you're grateful for and why? It is one of the best things I started for myself! Treat yourself to a beautiful blank journal where you can share everything from simple lists of what you’d like to accomplish, what you’re grateful for or deeper thoughts that may not have yet been let out of your head. Notice how writing down these thoughts has an almost immediate affect on a much deeper level.
On the Face of It
When is the last time you treated yourself to a long, hot soak? Instead of taking a quick shower with the sole goal of getting clean, what about kicking back in an aromatherapy bath using deliciously scented scrubs? By taking a half hour for yourself, you can clear your mind, letting go of what doesn’t serve you and making space for what is truly important.
We understand life gets busy. If there’s no time for the bath, a scented hand or body cream or hot shower using one of our shower bursts can also have a transformative effect. If you’re stuck in traffic or one of the kids is having a meltdown, grab your lavender hand cream, inhale and aah! Need to clear your head in the morning? The scent of lime is known to help clear brain fog and restore energy. Lemon can ease morning sickness, improve skin and cold symptoms and energize. Looking to bring it down a notch? A coconut fragrance helps to relieve stress and soothe your mind.
This year, we hope you find the time to give yourself some well-deserved love. Here’s to letting go of the past and stepping boldly and confidently into a new you. We need this self care now more than ever. We are here to help, whether it’s with a complimentary virtual styling session or by finding a gift exclusively for you...we've got you covered for whatever your new year brings.