
Back when I was just a little girl dreaming of having my own business, my dad and I would spend hours talking about it.
We never imagined he wouldn’t be here to see my dream fulfilled, but I have used those memories to remind me to keep dreaming and working on my business.
When I started my online jewelry store in 2014, I was driven by pure determination and caffeine. My business has changed so much since then.
The Bernardsville community has been kind and accommodating and helped me transform that online business to a boutique offering clothing, jewelry, gifts, accessories and as it turns out - problem solving.
Yes, problem solving!
My clients typically arrive frazzled by lack of time and knowledge about what to wear or give or simply how to pull a look together. It only takes a few minutes, some clarifying questions and perhaps some social media inspiration to set us in the right direction. It’s been very rewarding to be able to work with clients and solve their problems, see that look of relief on their faces and know I have provided assistance.
We are not solving world problems, but for each individual client, we are helping solve problems that are weighing them down on a given day and making it better.
That is the dream dad and I had for my business. #keepdreaming
XO - Alexandra